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Common Classified Ad Listing Abbreviations

| Uncategorized | January 30, 2014

Can understand an abbreviation that was used on an ad in our classifieds section? The list below contains many of the most used abbreviations for classified listings. Abbreviations are used to keep ads concise. Please note that our website does not limit you to a certain number of letters or characters, so you do not need to abbreviate, but sometimes an abbreviation is universally understood and preferred by those looking for products in Vincennes.
Accounts Payable … A/P
Accounts receivable … A/R
Acre … ac.
Administration … admin.
Afternoon … PM
Air Conditioning … A/C
AM/FM Cass … cass.
Amplitude Modulation … AM
Annual Percentage Rate … APR
Anti Lock Brakes … ABS
Apartment … Apt.
Appliances … appls.
Appointment … Appt.
Approximate … Approx.
Assistant … Asst.
Assisted Family Home … AFH
Association … Assoc.
Automatic … Auto
Automatic Transmission … A/T
Available … avail.
Avenue … Ave.
Bachelor of Arts … BA
Bachelor of Science … BS
Basement … bsmt.
Bath … BA
Bedroom … BD
Bellingham … B’ham
Birch Bay … B. Bay
Boulevard … Blvd.
Building … Bldg.
Canada … CAN
Cash on Delivery … COD
Center … Ctr.
Centimeter … cm.
Certified Medical Aid … CMA
Certified Nursing Aid … CNA
Certified Public Accountant … CPA
Circle … Cir.
Citizen Band Radio … CB
Commercial Drivers License … CDL
Commission … comm
Compact Disc … CD
Company … Co.
Condiminium … Condo
Condition … cond.
Coordinator … coord.
Corporation … Corp.
Cruise control … CC
cylinder … cyl.
Depending on Experieince … DOE
Depending on Qualifications … DOQ
Deposit … Dep.
Developmentally disabled … DD
Dining Room … Din rm
Dishwasher … d/w
Doctor … Dr.
Doctorate Degree … Ph.D.
Door … dr.
Double … dbl.
Double garage … dbl. gar.
Downtown … dwn’twn
Dozen … doz.
Drive … Dr.
Each … ea.
Electric … Elec.
Equal Opportunity Employer … EOE
Established … est.
Estimate … est.
Et Cetera … etc.
Evenings … eves.
Excellent … exc.
Excellent Condition … exc. cond.
Executive … Exec.
Experience … exp.
Extended Cab … ext. cab
Extension … ext.
Exterior … ext.
Fairhaven … F’haven
Family Room … fam. rm.
Fenced … fncd
Ferndale … F’dale
Fireplace … frpl.
First … 1st
Floor … flr.
Foot … ft.
For Sale By Owner … FSBO
Freeway … fwy.
Frequency Modulation … FM
Full Charge … F/C
Full Time … FT.
Furnished … furn.
Gallon … gal.
Garage … gar.
Gas Forced Air … GFA
Gas heat … gas ht.
gigabyte … GB
Hard Drive … HD
Hardwood floors … wood flrs.
Heavy Duty … HD
Hi Fidelity … Hi Fi
High School … H.S.
Highway … Hwy.
Horsepower … hp
Hourly … hrly.
Hours … hrs.
Household … hshold
Human Resources … HR
Immaculate … immac.
Immediate … immed.
Inboard/Outboard … I/O
Include … incl.
Incorporated … Inc.
Information … info.
Intensive Care Unit … ICU
Interior … int.
Interstate 5 … I-5
Junior … Jr.
Kilometer … km.
Kitchen … kit.
Lane … Ln
Large … lrg.
Laundry … ldnry
Leave Message … lve. Msg.
Licensed Practical Nurse … LPN
Limited … Ltd.
Living Room … liv. rm.
Male/Female … M/F
Manager … Mgr
Mangement … mgmt.
Manufacturing … Mfg.
Master of Arts … MA
Maximun … Max.
Medium … med.
megabyte … MB.
megahertz … MHz
Message … Msg.
Micellaneous … misc.
Miles … mi
Miles per gallon … mpg
Millimeter … mm
Minimum … min.
Month … mo.
Morning … AM
Mountain … mtn.
Negotiable … negot.
No pets … NP
No Smoking … NS
No smoking/pets … NSP
North … N.
Office … ofc.
Or Best Offer … OBO
Ounce … oz.
Package … pkg.
Paid … pd.
Parking … prkg.
Parkway … Pkwy
Part Time … PT
Pick Up … PU
Post Office Box … PO Box
Pounds … lbs.
Power … pwr.
Power Brakes … PB
Power Door Locks … PDL
Power Windows … PW
President … Pres.
Private … pvt.
Professional … prof.
Pwer Steering … PS
Random Access Memeory … RAM
References … refs.
References Required … refs. req’d
Refrigerator … Fridge
Registered … Reg.
Registered Nurse … RN
Representative … Rep
Required … req’d
Reverend … Rev.
Revolutions Per Minute … RPM
Road … Rd.
Room … rm.
Rooms … rms.
Round Trip … R/T
Route … Rte.
Second … 2nd
Senior … Sr.
Skilled Nursing Facility … SNF
Small … sm.
South … S.
Speed … spd.
Square Foot … sq. ft.
Station Wagon … Stn. Wgn.
Street … St.
Sudden Valley … Sdn Vly
Suite … Ste.
Television … TV
Tender Loving Care … TLC
Thousand … K
Townhouse … Twnhse.
Trailer … Trlr
Transmission … Tran.
Utilities … utils.
Versus … vs.
Very Important Person … VIP
Veterans Administration … VA
Vice President … VP
Wagon … wgn.
Warranty … warr.
Washer/Dryer … WD
Washer/Dryer Hook-up … WD hkup
Water Sewer Garbage paid … WSG pd
Week … wk.
Weekdays … wkdays
Weekends … wkends
West … W.
With … w/
with out … w/o
Word per minute … WPM
Year … yr.
Years old … yrs. Old
You Haul … U-haul
You Pick … U-pick

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